Friday, May 1, 2015

Stormy Saturday

I'm a die-hard fisherman, as long as they're biting I'll keep at it. I also love fishing in storms and have had some awesome fishing trips just before and during thunderstorms. Today Saturday 4-25-15 I knew when I stepped outside this morning that it would be a good fishing day.

So I grabbed my trusty Android, messaged my brother and we met at a favorite fishing hole.
A beautiful old country pond that's about 6 acres in area and full of bass, crappie, and big perch.

When I get there he's already fishing, so I get my gear and head to the water.

The fish are hitting lite due to a cold front moving in but we dealt with that. Finally about half way around the pond I toss a couple or big perch in my bucket and continue around the bank.

The wind is blowing hard but we manage to set the hook on many large perch and bass, no crappie today but I'm OK with that.
Here's the biggest bass that day, a bit over 3 lbs with the others in the 2 lb range, perfect eating size. Yum! Fresh spring time bass for supper.

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