Friday, September 25, 2015
Friday, September 18, 2015
Friday Funday
What's your passion?
Well if you're at my site, it might be fishing.
If you've stopped here before you already know I've been passionate about fishing from four years old till now. And if I die with a fishing pole in my hand, I'll be happy.
So let me tell you about today's fishing trip.
I arrived at one of my favorite ponds just before daybreak, and from the first cast it was "Fish On"!
First cast, first fish, just the way I like it, and it was a nice 16" bass so I invited him to supper, and in the bucket he went.
The fish were biting so well I only covered a small section of this large pond. When they slowed down in one spot I'd just move my casting distance down the bank and keep catching.
Finally I walked to the dam thru the tall weeds. At one spot I counted 15 casts and caught 14 fish, talk about some serious catching, man was that fun!
Then the wind shifted, and they slowed down... A bunch. By this time I've bucketed over a dozen so I work my way back.
At the corner of the dam I cast along the bank, wham! Big bite! I reel it in, drag singing It's pretty tune and land a huge 12" bluegill. Now that was fun.
Thanks for visiting folks, now get out there and have your own great fishing trip this fall.
Well if you're at my site, it might be fishing.
If you've stopped here before you already know I've been passionate about fishing from four years old till now. And if I die with a fishing pole in my hand, I'll be happy.
So let me tell you about today's fishing trip.
I arrived at one of my favorite ponds just before daybreak, and from the first cast it was "Fish On"!
First cast, first fish, just the way I like it, and it was a nice 16" bass so I invited him to supper, and in the bucket he went.
The fish were biting so well I only covered a small section of this large pond. When they slowed down in one spot I'd just move my casting distance down the bank and keep catching.
Finally I walked to the dam thru the tall weeds. At one spot I counted 15 casts and caught 14 fish, talk about some serious catching, man was that fun!
Then the wind shifted, and they slowed down... A bunch. By this time I've bucketed over a dozen so I work my way back.
At the corner of the dam I cast along the bank, wham! Big bite! I reel it in, drag singing It's pretty tune and land a huge 12" bluegill. Now that was fun.
Thanks for visiting folks, now get out there and have your own great fishing trip this fall.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Survival Fishing
Simplicity.... I love it! This pic shows the most basic way to build a trigger snare. With a knife or cutting instrument everything needed to make this is likely right near the water (pond).
The hardest part to this snare is the trigger, but with a bit of simple carving it's easily done.
Your bait is as varied as your imagination, dig a worm, flip over a rock, catch a grasshopper, anything that fish eat will work.
It's best not to be in a survival situation, but if it happens "be prepared" burn this image into your mind... It may save your life
Monday, June 15, 2015
Handicap Accessible Public Fishing
This is Maniteau lake in Moniteau county. It's a conservation lake that I fish sometimes. About 400 acres and the best public fishing lake in central Mo. It's stocked with catfish, crappie, bass, bluegill, green perch, & shellcrackers. I've caught many bluegills in the 10 to 12 inch range and this lake is known for huge gills & big catfish. It's also one of the very few public lakes that I fish, but then it's worth going to. If you're in central Mo. stop and wet a line, fun fishing and Handicap accessible.
Such a beautiful lake!
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Cabelas Memorial Day Sale
Memorial Day Sale – Save up to 50%
My Fishing Reel Review
About 3 years ago I bought a new open face reel. LEWS is the brand name from Cabelas. Most reels last me a year if I'm lucky, the raceway where the line runs over starts to groove within a couple of months, but not with LEWS brand fishing reels.
I'm an avid fisherman, going at least once a week and some weeks 3 or 4 times, that's a lot of casting, retrieving and stress put on my reels. My LEWS Open Face Reel is the best fishing reel I've used in 45 years of fishing.
Shop Cabelas Memorial Day Sale and buy your own Trusty LEWS open face reel you'll be glad you did just like I am! <(:HF
Friday, May 1, 2015
Stormy Saturday
I'm a die-hard fisherman, as long as they're biting I'll keep at it. I also love fishing in storms and have had some awesome fishing trips just before and during thunderstorms. Today Saturday 4-25-15 I knew when I stepped outside this morning that it would be a good fishing day.
So I grabbed my trusty Android, messaged my brother and we met at a favorite fishing hole.
A beautiful old country pond that's about 6 acres in area and full of bass, crappie, and big perch.
When I get there he's already fishing, so I get my gear and head to the water.
The fish are hitting lite due to a cold front moving in but we dealt with that. Finally about half way around the pond I toss a couple or big perch in my bucket and continue around the bank.
The wind is blowing hard but we manage to set the hook on many large perch and bass, no crappie today but I'm OK with that.
Here's the biggest bass that day, a bit over 3 lbs with the others in the 2 lb range, perfect eating size. Yum! Fresh spring time bass for supper.
So I grabbed my trusty Android, messaged my brother and we met at a favorite fishing hole.
A beautiful old country pond that's about 6 acres in area and full of bass, crappie, and big perch.
When I get there he's already fishing, so I get my gear and head to the water.
The fish are hitting lite due to a cold front moving in but we dealt with that. Finally about half way around the pond I toss a couple or big perch in my bucket and continue around the bank.
The wind is blowing hard but we manage to set the hook on many large perch and bass, no crappie today but I'm OK with that.
Here's the biggest bass that day, a bit over 3 lbs with the others in the 2 lb range, perfect eating size. Yum! Fresh spring time bass for supper.
Wild Passion
When I was a child, young and mild
My fishing love began in the wild
With creeks and ponds, I had a bond
So of all wild places I'm rather fond
Water and woods are calming to me
Now my passion's plain to see
While roaming wildly, here and there
Of the modern world I have no care
Now worry not if you can't reach me, I've left home all technology. <(;HF+<
My fishing love began in the wild
With creeks and ponds, I had a bond
So of all wild places I'm rather fond
Water and woods are calming to me
Now my passion's plain to see
While roaming wildly, here and there
Of the modern world I have no care
Now worry not if you can't reach me, I've left home all technology. <(;HF+<
Monday, April 20, 2015
Crappie Storm
The clouds were boiling, the storm was brewing, but... The Crappie were biting like crazy! I knew it was going to start raining soon, no worries that's the best time to catch fish. So about an hour and a half before the rain set in I hopped in the truck and headed to the ole fishing hole.
When I get there the wind is just staring to pick up, just enough to make my bobber dance on the waters surface. The very first cast something hits my jig, short striking so I miss. The next cast is a solid strike!
As I set the hook this fish runs for the lillypad roots and hangs me up, I get it free but this is a determined fish. It feels odd too, more like a catfish. Finally I get it worked lose and up where I can see it, I'm surprised, it's a nice crappie a 13"er, in the bucket it goes.
Now I walk off the dam to the other side of the lillypads, the fish are really biting hard! I catch a few small crappie and toss them in the bucket to stock another pond close to home and then the bluegill start biting, all small ones though so they go back in the lake.
It's just starting to sprinkle a bit off and on and now I'm not getting bites further out. The crappie have moved towards the bank so I short cast and catch another couple small ones. I cast in front of the lillypads and start retrieving.
About 5 feet from the bank a big crappie nails my jig, this one makes my drag sing! I get it to the bank and wow that's a nice crappie!
I just had to show this baby off properly beside my rod and reel. Last spring I caught 8 this size, over 15" and one was nearly 17". I've fished this lake for over 40 years, the same family still owns it and I've caught many nice crappie, channel catfish and bass from this old lake.
Well folks, enjoy the pictures, I sure enjoyed catching the fish before I got rained out. <(;HF+< jono
When I get there the wind is just staring to pick up, just enough to make my bobber dance on the waters surface. The very first cast something hits my jig, short striking so I miss. The next cast is a solid strike!
As I set the hook this fish runs for the lillypad roots and hangs me up, I get it free but this is a determined fish. It feels odd too, more like a catfish. Finally I get it worked lose and up where I can see it, I'm surprised, it's a nice crappie a 13"er, in the bucket it goes.
Now I walk off the dam to the other side of the lillypads, the fish are really biting hard! I catch a few small crappie and toss them in the bucket to stock another pond close to home and then the bluegill start biting, all small ones though so they go back in the lake.
It's just starting to sprinkle a bit off and on and now I'm not getting bites further out. The crappie have moved towards the bank so I short cast and catch another couple small ones. I cast in front of the lillypads and start retrieving.
About 5 feet from the bank a big crappie nails my jig, this one makes my drag sing! I get it to the bank and wow that's a nice crappie!
I just had to show this baby off properly beside my rod and reel. Last spring I caught 8 this size, over 15" and one was nearly 17". I've fished this lake for over 40 years, the same family still owns it and I've caught many nice crappie, channel catfish and bass from this old lake.
Well folks, enjoy the pictures, I sure enjoyed catching the fish before I got rained out. <(;HF
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Fishing Missouri Creeks and Ponds
Hi Folks,
Creek fishing is something that I grew up doing. From about 8 years old I began roaming the area surrounding my childhood home, there was a creek behind our house just down the hill. As a boy I'd grab my rod and reel and walk down to the water to fish and play in the creek.
Catching bass, perch and catfish just about anytime during the year was my kinda fun. Bullfrogs, crawdads, minnows, turtles, lizards, and most any water creatures were my quarry and fun as a kid. Children now days make pets of those critters, for me they were everywhere I looked.
So for me creek and pond fishing are second nature, how I 'cut my teeth' so to speak. When it comes to reading the water, well I learned that as a boy, and haven't forgotten how. When I fish a new pond, as happens every year, if they're biting I'll find them and catch them .
A couple weeks ago I went to a local creek. This time of year it's not wading weather, for me anyway and this section I fished has limited access. The fish just weren't biting there, but I was watching a school of bass from 2-6 LBs swimming around. This about drove me nuts since they saw me too and just wouldn't bite.
Oh well... I moved on to a pond that was close by, fished for a while and finally started catching fish. Normally at this pond the crappie were snapping at my jig, this day however they ignored everything I threw their way.
I walked around to the farthest side which is really shallow and started getting strikes, caught some bluegill and tossed them back. That's a good sign at least, for the first 45 minutes I didn't even get a strike. Tossing my jig/bobber combo out, nearly across the pond something attacks my bobber.. A Bass!!
No hookset though so I keep casting. For the next half hour I catch some bass and perch, one of the bass is 3 and a half pounds and 2 are about 2 LBs which gives me fresh fish dinner. Anyone who's had fresh fish from the water, to the skillet, to the plate, knows just what I mean. That's all I really wanted anyway so I'm happy. <(;HF+<
Creek fishing is something that I grew up doing. From about 8 years old I began roaming the area surrounding my childhood home, there was a creek behind our house just down the hill. As a boy I'd grab my rod and reel and walk down to the water to fish and play in the creek.
Catching bass, perch and catfish just about anytime during the year was my kinda fun. Bullfrogs, crawdads, minnows, turtles, lizards, and most any water creatures were my quarry and fun as a kid. Children now days make pets of those critters, for me they were everywhere I looked.
So for me creek and pond fishing are second nature, how I 'cut my teeth' so to speak. When it comes to reading the water, well I learned that as a boy, and haven't forgotten how. When I fish a new pond, as happens every year, if they're biting I'll find them and catch them .
A couple weeks ago I went to a local creek. This time of year it's not wading weather, for me anyway and this section I fished has limited access. The fish just weren't biting there, but I was watching a school of bass from 2-6 LBs swimming around. This about drove me nuts since they saw me too and just wouldn't bite.
Oh well... I moved on to a pond that was close by, fished for a while and finally started catching fish. Normally at this pond the crappie were snapping at my jig, this day however they ignored everything I threw their way.
I walked around to the farthest side which is really shallow and started getting strikes, caught some bluegill and tossed them back. That's a good sign at least, for the first 45 minutes I didn't even get a strike. Tossing my jig/bobber combo out, nearly across the pond something attacks my bobber.. A Bass!!
No hookset though so I keep casting. For the next half hour I catch some bass and perch, one of the bass is 3 and a half pounds and 2 are about 2 LBs which gives me fresh fish dinner. Anyone who's had fresh fish from the water, to the skillet, to the plate, knows just what I mean. That's all I really wanted anyway so I'm happy. <(;HF+<
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Spring Time Mamma Bass
Back in May 2011, a buddy of mine and I hit my favorite lake, fishing for a good mess of crappie
This little lake is well taken care of, the owner manicures about 2/3 of it. The rest has trees growing thickly next to the waters edge.
We were fishing the tree lined side, adding a few decent crappie into our buckets, when I walk down to the shallower end. There's nearly 2 doz. keepers in the bucket, mainly crappie with a couple of decent bass.
I cast next to a log sticking out in the water, something slams my jig, and the fight is on!!
With 4lb test line on, ya don't horse the biguns, ya play em and wear em down. My little ultralite rod is bent almost double, my reel's singing a pretty song to me, real music to my ears.
I play this fish over 10 minutes, finally I see it, what a fish, it's Big ole Mamma Bass, what a pretty sight to behold. She's starting to tire so I work her over to the bank, reach down and lift her up into the air.
Would ya look at the belly on that girl, what a lunker. I holler at T,"Look at this Baby" he looks over and his jaw drops.
Well after he put his jaw back in place, he says "That's gotta be at least 7lbs maybe more with that belly" I agree with him, but don't have weigh scales with me. I don't care really since I plan on turning her loose soon anyway. Now here's the kicker folks.
I walk over, ease her into the bucket, hey I want to admire her for a bit OK.
I walk back to where I was, about 30 ft from my bucket and resume fishing. A couple minutes later, my buddy walks over to add another crappie to our catch, he calls me over there. I look in the bucket, Oh no she's gone, so is most of our catch.
Big ole Mamma Bass, well I guess she had a mission. Laying that bellyful of eggs, and she wasn't about to let me stop her. So we caught another mess of crappie to replace the ones she took home with her, had a lot of fun doing it too.
Now that's been 4 years ago, I think it's about time to catch another big'un from that lake, I believe I'm ready too.
Thanks for visiting folks
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Crappie!! Filleting The Easy Way
Hi Fishing Folks
Here's a little 5 minute "How To Video" that I just made and added to you this week. Please bear with me folks, this is my first ever video. By now you know I'm just a simple ole country boy, but I can sure enough learn! I filleted quite a few fish that day and I'd been wanting to make a video for a while, so here's the result. About 40 years of fish cleaning practice wrapped up in a 5 minute video. <(;HF+<
Here's a little 5 minute "How To Video" that I just made and added to you this week. Please bear with me folks, this is my first ever video. By now you know I'm just a simple ole country boy, but I can sure enough learn! I filleted quite a few fish that day and I'd been wanting to make a video for a while, so here's the result. About 40 years of fish cleaning practice wrapped up in a 5 minute video. <(;HF+<
filleting tips,
how to,
Tips & tactics,
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Early Spring Crappie Fishing
Hi All Fishers
The Crappie Fishing was amazing today!! Yesterday...Not so much. But today my fishing rod and I, had great fun. And I even have some pretty cool 'crappie fishing tips' for you, in good time. hehe. ((-;
So for the 12th of March, we here in central Missouri near the Lake of the Ozarks, are having beautiful weather. It was 55 by 11:00 AM today and I was already at my favorite lake. For this early in the year the water temp is warming nicely, so I was hopeful the fish were biting.
I love crappie fishing folks, when they're biting the action is hard to beat. Today it started off slow as I walked to the shallow end of the lake, making a few casts along the way. When I get to the willow trees (red arrow) I start to see some fish movement beneath the trees. So I ease my way close enough to cast near the swirls.
Strike...And a miss! A few more casts, still nothing hooked, so I walk on down to the point of the cove. Now usually there's some slab crappie hanging out in this area, not today though. I started here because the water would be slightly warmer, but the wind is blowing towards the dam, the opposite end of the lake.
So after catching a couple of crappie, I work my way to the dam. Now here's a little "crappie fishing tip", whichever direction the wind is blowing, fish at the bank that it's blowing towards. The choppy water stirs the baitfish and that's where the bigger fish will be feeding, and that increases your chances of catching more fish.
I've been here about an hour, and it's warmed up a few more degrees, the fish are starting to bite more, so I've added a couple more to my bucket. This time of year in ponds and small lakes, the crappie are usually hanging close to the bank. I was casting 4-5 feet out from the bank and catching some 9-10" fish.
I like to use a bobber this time of year, about 12-18" deep. This keeps the jig at a consistent depth where the crappie are feeding and with a solid weighted bobber you can cast farther even with a strong wind
So I'm walking along the bank, casting ahead of my direction of travel. Finally a good solid hit, there's a slabbie, a nice 13 incher, in the bucket she goes. Prespawn crappie fight like the devil and I'm having a blast. I've added 8 to the bucket by now, and since crappie like shade I'm headed to the tree lined side of the lake.
Now it's warmed up to about 70 and the fish are really starting to bite. My next 5 casts I land 3 nice slabs. Next I cross the fence and sit down on a boat that the owner keeps there, this is a nicely shaded area, and the crappie have really started to bite.
For the next hour I land over 30 fish, some small 7-8" but out of those I have 14 nice keepers 10-13". I also kept a few small bluegill to fertilize my tomato plants, that makes those tomatoes taste so good! I ended up keeping 22 nice filleting size crappie, what a great relaxing early spring fishing trip.
Thanks for visiting folks
(-: jono
The Crappie Fishing was amazing today!! Yesterday...Not so much. But today my fishing rod and I, had great fun. And I even have some pretty cool 'crappie fishing tips' for you, in good time. hehe. ((-;
So for the 12th of March, we here in central Missouri near the Lake of the Ozarks, are having beautiful weather. It was 55 by 11:00 AM today and I was already at my favorite lake. For this early in the year the water temp is warming nicely, so I was hopeful the fish were biting.
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3-12-15 First Fishing Trip in March My Favorite Lake |
Strike...And a miss! A few more casts, still nothing hooked, so I walk on down to the point of the cove. Now usually there's some slab crappie hanging out in this area, not today though. I started here because the water would be slightly warmer, but the wind is blowing towards the dam, the opposite end of the lake.
So after catching a couple of crappie, I work my way to the dam. Now here's a little "crappie fishing tip", whichever direction the wind is blowing, fish at the bank that it's blowing towards. The choppy water stirs the baitfish and that's where the bigger fish will be feeding, and that increases your chances of catching more fish.
I've been here about an hour, and it's warmed up a few more degrees, the fish are starting to bite more, so I've added a couple more to my bucket. This time of year in ponds and small lakes, the crappie are usually hanging close to the bank. I was casting 4-5 feet out from the bank and catching some 9-10" fish.
I like to use a bobber this time of year, about 12-18" deep. This keeps the jig at a consistent depth where the crappie are feeding and with a solid weighted bobber you can cast farther even with a strong wind
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3-12-15 First Mess of Crappie |
Now it's warmed up to about 70 and the fish are really starting to bite. My next 5 casts I land 3 nice slabs. Next I cross the fence and sit down on a boat that the owner keeps there, this is a nicely shaded area, and the crappie have really started to bite.
For the next hour I land over 30 fish, some small 7-8" but out of those I have 14 nice keepers 10-13". I also kept a few small bluegill to fertilize my tomato plants, that makes those tomatoes taste so good! I ended up keeping 22 nice filleting size crappie, what a great relaxing early spring fishing trip.
Thanks for visiting folks
(-: jono
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Childhood Fishing Ponds Revisited
Hi Fishing Friends
I made a trip back to my hometown this last May 2014. My sis Lois had some business to take care of there, and asked me to ride along. So we loaded our gear, and 'hit the road'.
We get to Fulton, she gets her business dealt with, and off we go, to my old favorite clay pit. When we get there, we grab our rods and tackle, walk about an eighth of a mile thru the brush and scrub and approach the water. This pit is a pale blue/green, and about 40 feet deep.
I scan the water along the edge, looking for bass, and all I see are perch. For the first half hour or so, we catch a few bluegill and shellcrackers. Finally Lois hangs into a decent bass, and lands a 2 LBer, good enough to keep so she puts it on a stringer.
By then it's time for me to move, so I work my way on around the shore to 'the spot'. It's pretty overgrown since hardly anyone fishes this hole anymore. Fighting, thorns, briars, and thick brush, I finally clear a place well enough to fish at.
Now you may ask, is it worth it?
Well my first few casts weren't. That third cast though - wham! That bass hit hard, then it took off running for cover. I lowered my rod tip, reeled some line in, and horsed him away from the brush. Oh man, I love it when a big ole bass starts 'tail dancing', shaking his head the whole time. Sorry bud not getting away this time, I reeled him into shore to my waiting hand. As I lifted him from the water, I could tell he was nice 5 pounder, sweet!!
First one for me on the stringer, and I'm not a bit disappointed in my ole fishing hole. The next few casts I catch some perch and smaller bass, from about one to three pounds, add a couple more to my keepers, and man am I having a blast.
I work my way around the bank a bit, to a slightly less overgrown place, then make a few more casts. The darn perch keep hitting my jig. I make a long cast, quickly a perch gets
hooked. As I'm reeling in, A BIG bass attacks the perch I hooked. Oh baby, Fish On!!
This bass dives deep, I can't even turn him, no control at all. And then, SNAP!!! Grumbling as I reel in my line to retie a new jig on, oh well, plenty more bass in this pit. Pretty disappointing though, I didn't even get to see that one, it had to be a monster bass.
Still all in all, no disappointment in the fishing trip, I had just as much fun here, as when I was a boy, to me that's what counts.
We kept 8 nice bass that day, between 2 & 5 lbs, I sure do 'love them pits'. I'll be back next spring to catch that huge bass, we have a score to settle. :-)
Well folks thanks for visiting. It's the beginning of March now, in about a month, I'm heading back to that old pit, look out monster here I come!! (((-: j
I made a trip back to my hometown this last May 2014. My sis Lois had some business to take care of there, and asked me to ride along. So we loaded our gear, and 'hit the road'.

I scan the water along the edge, looking for bass, and all I see are perch. For the first half hour or so, we catch a few bluegill and shellcrackers. Finally Lois hangs into a decent bass, and lands a 2 LBer, good enough to keep so she puts it on a stringer.
By then it's time for me to move, so I work my way on around the shore to 'the spot'. It's pretty overgrown since hardly anyone fishes this hole anymore. Fighting, thorns, briars, and thick brush, I finally clear a place well enough to fish at.
Now you may ask, is it worth it?
Well my first few casts weren't. That third cast though - wham! That bass hit hard, then it took off running for cover. I lowered my rod tip, reeled some line in, and horsed him away from the brush. Oh man, I love it when a big ole bass starts 'tail dancing', shaking his head the whole time. Sorry bud not getting away this time, I reeled him into shore to my waiting hand. As I lifted him from the water, I could tell he was nice 5 pounder, sweet!!
First one for me on the stringer, and I'm not a bit disappointed in my ole fishing hole. The next few casts I catch some perch and smaller bass, from about one to three pounds, add a couple more to my keepers, and man am I having a blast.
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#2 H&W Claypit This is also where I learned how to swim.<(;HF+< |
hooked. As I'm reeling in, A BIG bass attacks the perch I hooked. Oh baby, Fish On!!
This bass dives deep, I can't even turn him, no control at all. And then, SNAP!!! Grumbling as I reel in my line to retie a new jig on, oh well, plenty more bass in this pit. Pretty disappointing though, I didn't even get to see that one, it had to be a monster bass.
Still all in all, no disappointment in the fishing trip, I had just as much fun here, as when I was a boy, to me that's what counts.
We kept 8 nice bass that day, between 2 & 5 lbs, I sure do 'love them pits'. I'll be back next spring to catch that huge bass, we have a score to settle. :-)
Well folks thanks for visiting. It's the beginning of March now, in about a month, I'm heading back to that old pit, look out monster here I come!! (((-: j
Monday, March 2, 2015
Pond Fishing Love
Hi Fishing Friends
So you love pond fishing too, well YOU are in the right place. Here at my little site we can share that passion!!
My fishinglove bond
Began in a pond
My passion is plain to see
Scroll down my wall
Come one, come all
What pondfishing means to me.
So you love pond fishing too, well YOU are in the right place. Here at my little site we can share that passion!!
My fishinglove bond
Began in a pond
My passion is plain to see
Scroll down my wall
Come one, come all
What pondfishing means to me.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Pond Fishing at my Childhood Fishing Holes
Hi Fishing Friends
I grew up on the outskirts of town, there were 6 houses on a mile and a half stretch of road where I lived. With a nice little stream running beside the road, that also flowed behind my house. To the east & west of my house were 4 pits, 2 clay pits to the east with 2 rock quarry pits to the west.
One of the rock quarry pits, is where I caught my first big bass, the ignited that fishing passion that I hold so dear. But it was the 2 clay pits that I fished the most later on. After a short quarter mile stretch, with rod & reel and my gear in pockets, I'd usually bring home a fine fish dinner. (After I cleaned them, of course)
I recall one trip where I even got a pierced ear. Using a mini-Lazy Ike, dual treble hooks, I'd been catching some decent 2-3 lb bass that day. The wind started blowing pretty hard in the afternoon, I was making a cast, had too much slack in the line, and the wind caught it. The next thing I know I have a fishing lure for an earring, ouch!!
It took a bit to gather my catch & gear up, but I did, then headed home, walked into the house shouted MOM! She came running, I told her, " Mom I caught the biggest one ever". Then I turned my head so she could see my new orange and black spotted earring. After she quit laughing, she scooted me to the hospital. (((-:
I was pretty fortunate that the hooks only stuck in my ear, not my head. And lucky the doctor didn't trash my favorite Lazy Ike, he just clipped the barbs from the hooks, pulled the hooks from my ear gave me shot in the butt, then gave me my lure back.
And again Mom laughed, (behind her hand this time) So I squalled a bit, sit funny on the way home, but was back fishing the next day.
I still hate needles!!
Well folks that happened over 35 years ago, now for the fun part of my story.
I started fishing that pit again this spring, and the catching was even better. When I got to the water, it was still a clear lite green. At first, all we caught were a few small perch, but after walking around to the far side I started to see the bass..
And that my dear fishers, is tomorrows story. ;-)
Hey happy fishing to you folks, see ya soon. (-: jono
I grew up on the outskirts of town, there were 6 houses on a mile and a half stretch of road where I lived. With a nice little stream running beside the road, that also flowed behind my house. To the east & west of my house were 4 pits, 2 clay pits to the east with 2 rock quarry pits to the west.
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#3 H&W Claypit One of my Childhood Fishing Places |
I recall one trip where I even got a pierced ear. Using a mini-Lazy Ike, dual treble hooks, I'd been catching some decent 2-3 lb bass that day. The wind started blowing pretty hard in the afternoon, I was making a cast, had too much slack in the line, and the wind caught it. The next thing I know I have a fishing lure for an earring, ouch!!
It took a bit to gather my catch & gear up, but I did, then headed home, walked into the house shouted MOM! She came running, I told her, " Mom I caught the biggest one ever". Then I turned my head so she could see my new orange and black spotted earring. After she quit laughing, she scooted me to the hospital. (((-:
I was pretty fortunate that the hooks only stuck in my ear, not my head. And lucky the doctor didn't trash my favorite Lazy Ike, he just clipped the barbs from the hooks, pulled the hooks from my ear gave me shot in the butt, then gave me my lure back.
And again Mom laughed, (behind her hand this time) So I squalled a bit, sit funny on the way home, but was back fishing the next day.
I still hate needles!!
Well folks that happened over 35 years ago, now for the fun part of my story.
I started fishing that pit again this spring, and the catching was even better. When I got to the water, it was still a clear lite green. At first, all we caught were a few small perch, but after walking around to the far side I started to see the bass..
And that my dear fishers, is tomorrows story. ;-)
Hey happy fishing to you folks, see ya soon. (-: jono
Friday, February 27, 2015
Catfishing in the Extreme
Hi Fishing Friends
Pursuing catfish on a regular basis can be an extreme sport. On Sunday Oct. 19th that's what I did.
I was at a new pond that I fish from time to time and at first the catching was slow. After about an hour and making one round of this fishing hole, I'd only caught a couple of perch. So not being a quitter, I caught me a few grasshoppers and walked around to the old dock.
<(;HF+< (Tip) Now here's a very important 'how to' tip, my friends. Catfish love grasshoppers!!
I set up a catfish rig, with my favorite live bait, and put it out there. I secured my pole on the dock, then picked up my other rod already setup with a crappie jig and started casting. Then the fish start biting, so I toss a couple in my bucket.
Seeing movement out on the surface, like a big catfish swirling, I reel in my cat rig. Recasting it near that splash I secure my rod back down and start catching nice sized perch with my other one.
Making a cast, my jig gets hung in a tree, I break my line and begin to retie. Hearing a noise, I look up. My catfish rod is bent over, hanging by the biggest eyelet on the dock rail.
Quickly dropping my rod I run the 25 feet to my rig. Grabbing my rod, I set the hook and the fight is on. WooHoo it's a bigun' too. With my drag singing to me, (love that song) I walk down off the dock to a good spot on the bank.
It takes a few minutes to bring in my fish, oh man, what a fish it is, a big fat catfish. When I pull it out of the water, flopping around, I know it's well over 10 lbs. Loading everything up, I head to the local bait shop to weigh my huge channel cat.
Now a 10 lb channel is a big fish, I've caught many under 10 lbs. This monster weighed in at 14 lbs with a huge belly on her. Biggest channel that I've caught on a rod & reel. That's some catfishing in the extreme to this ole country boy. :-)
Hoping you have a great day my fishing friends.
Pursuing catfish on a regular basis can be an extreme sport. On Sunday Oct. 19th that's what I did.
<(;HF+< (Tip) Now here's a very important 'how to' tip, my friends. Catfish love grasshoppers!!
I set up a catfish rig, with my favorite live bait, and put it out there. I secured my pole on the dock, then picked up my other rod already setup with a crappie jig and started casting. Then the fish start biting, so I toss a couple in my bucket.
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Spring fed pond that I caught this Catfish from (pic taken- 3-11-15) |
Seeing movement out on the surface, like a big catfish swirling, I reel in my cat rig. Recasting it near that splash I secure my rod back down and start catching nice sized perch with my other one.
Making a cast, my jig gets hung in a tree, I break my line and begin to retie. Hearing a noise, I look up. My catfish rod is bent over, hanging by the biggest eyelet on the dock rail.
Quickly dropping my rod I run the 25 feet to my rig. Grabbing my rod, I set the hook and the fight is on. WooHoo it's a bigun' too. With my drag singing to me, (love that song) I walk down off the dock to a good spot on the bank.
It takes a few minutes to bring in my fish, oh man, what a fish it is, a big fat catfish. When I pull it out of the water, flopping around, I know it's well over 10 lbs. Loading everything up, I head to the local bait shop to weigh my huge channel cat.
Now a 10 lb channel is a big fish, I've caught many under 10 lbs. This monster weighed in at 14 lbs with a huge belly on her. Biggest channel that I've caught on a rod & reel. That's some catfishing in the extreme to this ole country boy. :-)
Hoping you have a great day my fishing friends.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
The Fishing Time Poem
Fishing Time
First rays of sun, through the lakeside trees.
The sweet smell of lilac, mixed with the breeze.
To the quiet of shallows, my craft I did ease.
It's mornings like this, that make memories.
A dip in the water, I give to the oar
Pushing off smoothly, away from the shore.
Another few yards, just a little bit more.
I'll begin my ballet, That's what I'm here for.
I wind up my arm, to make my first cast.
Just as I've done, many times in the past.
It's moments like this, I just want to last.
It's "fishing time", and it surely goes fast.
First rays of sun, through the lakeside trees.
The sweet smell of lilac, mixed with the breeze.
To the quiet of shallows, my craft I did ease.
It's mornings like this, that make memories.
A dip in the water, I give to the oar
Pushing off smoothly, away from the shore.
Another few yards, just a little bit more.
I'll begin my ballet, That's what I'm here for.
I wind up my arm, to make my first cast.
Just as I've done, many times in the past.
It's moments like this, I just want to last.
It's "fishing time", and it surely goes fast.
An Original Poem by Jon Wright <(;HF+< See More Great Poetry Here @ ![]() |
Photo taken on 2-16-15 by Jon Wright at a new lake I got permission to fish last year |
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Again At The Pits
Hi Fishing Friends
Do you ever have the urge, to just get away from it all. Away from people, no tech, just you and a fishing pole, a little bit of tackle, some snacks maybe. Well now you're talking my kinda fun.
Whether in a small boat, or from the bank, whichever I choose it's probably at a pond of some sort.
A couple of Sundays ago we (my sis Lois & I) did just that. We packed a few things, grabbed some snacks, and headed out to my brothers farm. Now, about 4 years ago he had a pond built, it's a nice little pond about 12' deep, he and his sons stocked it themselves with bass, perch, crappie, channel and flathead catfish.
<(;HF+< (Tip) See my fishing pole there, if you see the bobber, it's one of those weighted ones. They're great for helping you cast farther, and without any extra sinkers, your bait has much better action too.
Anyway that is the first pond we hit that day, not much luck there that time, but we've caught some decent fish there before. Dave got home and we jumped into his truck loaded gear, and set out for another place.
Here's a photo of this beautiful pit, it's too big to show it all, but you get the idea.
So we get here, unload boat, gear, trolling motor, battery, get everything ready, we all jump in, and a few minutes later, we are fishing. The simple life, luv'in it!!
I took the 1st pic right here, this is where Dave caught his first fish of the day, a nice keeper bass less than 3 lbs. This ole pit is SO clean, since Coal, like Clay are both good filters the fish from here taste amazing.
We caught a dozen good keepers from here, bass and big perch, loaded everything back up (the wind was getting fierce) and 'hopped' to the next place.( no worries next time I'll take pictures of the fish too!!)
For my family 'hopping' from pond to pond is great family fun, and usually we catch plenty of fish to eat.
So... to the next one, just a couple of miles away by gravel road.
We arrive at this small lake, and decide to leave the boat on it's trailer, it's just too windy!!
We're not fighting the wind, and ruining a fine trip. We grab our gear, walk a short distance to the water, and in 5 minutes we're back to fishing.
This is such a beautiful little lake, clean and very well taken care of too. The crappie weren't biting this trip but we caught many bass and large bluegill, one 'gill' at 13."
We ended the day at this place, took home a fine bucket-O-fish, and had some great fun and quality family time.
Thanks for visiting folks.
Jono <(;HF+<
Do you ever have the urge, to just get away from it all. Away from people, no tech, just you and a fishing pole, a little bit of tackle, some snacks maybe. Well now you're talking my kinda fun.
Whether in a small boat, or from the bank, whichever I choose it's probably at a pond of some sort.
A couple of Sundays ago we (my sis Lois & I) did just that. We packed a few things, grabbed some snacks, and headed out to my brothers farm. Now, about 4 years ago he had a pond built, it's a nice little pond about 12' deep, he and his sons stocked it themselves with bass, perch, crappie, channel and flathead catfish.
<(;HF+< (Tip) See my fishing pole there, if you see the bobber, it's one of those weighted ones. They're great for helping you cast farther, and without any extra sinkers, your bait has much better action too.
Anyway that is the first pond we hit that day, not much luck there that time, but we've caught some decent fish there before. Dave got home and we jumped into his truck loaded gear, and set out for another place.
Here's a photo of this beautiful pit, it's too big to show it all, but you get the idea.
So we get here, unload boat, gear, trolling motor, battery, get everything ready, we all jump in, and a few minutes later, we are fishing. The simple life, luv'in it!!
I took the 1st pic right here, this is where Dave caught his first fish of the day, a nice keeper bass less than 3 lbs. This ole pit is SO clean, since Coal, like Clay are both good filters the fish from here taste amazing.
We caught a dozen good keepers from here, bass and big perch, loaded everything back up (the wind was getting fierce) and 'hopped' to the next place.( no worries next time I'll take pictures of the fish too!!)
For my family 'hopping' from pond to pond is great family fun, and usually we catch plenty of fish to eat.
So... to the next one, just a couple of miles away by gravel road.
We arrive at this small lake, and decide to leave the boat on it's trailer, it's just too windy!!
We're not fighting the wind, and ruining a fine trip. We grab our gear, walk a short distance to the water, and in 5 minutes we're back to fishing.
This is such a beautiful little lake, clean and very well taken care of too. The crappie weren't biting this trip but we caught many bass and large bluegill, one 'gill' at 13."
We ended the day at this place, took home a fine bucket-O-fish, and had some great fun and quality family time.
Thanks for visiting folks.
Jono <(;HF+<
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